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Narcissistic Leaders and Unethical Leadership – The Case of the Infected Blood Scandal

By |June 6, 2024|Categories: consequences of unethical leadership, Ethical leadership challenges, ethical leadership culture, Infected blood, Narcissistic leaders, Unethical behaviour in organizations, Unethical bureacracy, unethical followers, Unethical leadership|

This summary of the infected blood scandal report shows how [...]

Ethical Leadership Challenges – Death, Injury and Trauma in the UK’s Maternity Services

By |May 19, 2024|Categories: All Parliamentary Group of MPs for Birth Trauma, ethical dilemmas at work, Ethical leadership challenges, Ethical values in the workplace, Moral compass, moral compass in the workplace, workplace ethical decisions|Tags: , , , |

According to a recent study, the UK has the second [...]

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